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U4003 iPad Air 2 touchscreen/digitizer controller IC
Touchscreen/digitizer controller IC for iPad Air 2
U4020/U3701/U4601/U5650 NEW iPhone backlight driver/boost IC
NEW backlight driver/boost IC for iPhone SE, 6s, 6s+, 7, 7+, 8, a...
U4100/U3801 iPhone 6s, 6s+, 7, 7+ touch ID LDO IC
Fingerprint/Touch ID (Mamba) LDO IC for iPhone 6s, 6s+, 7, and 7+...
U4400 Macbook 12" Retina USB mux IC
USB mux IC for Macbook 12" Retina
Compatible with: 2015-2016 A1...
U4450 Macbook 12" Retina USB mux IC
USB mux IC for Macbook 12" Retina
TS3DS10224 QFN
Compatible with: 2015-2016 A1...
U4465 Macbook 12" Retina logic gate IC
Logic gate IC for Macbook 12" Retina
74LVC1G99GT SOT833
Compatible with: 2015-...
U4650 Macbook 12" Retina USB I2C IC
USB I2C IC for Macbook 12" Retina
Compatible with: 2015-2016 A1534 8...
U5200_RF iPhone 6s, 6s+ wifi/bluetooth IC
Wifi/Bluetooth IC for iPhone 6s and 6s+
Apple 339S00043/339...
U5201_RF iPhone 6, 6+ wifi/bluetooth IC
Wifi/Bluetooth IC for iPhone 6 and 6+
Apple 339S0228/339S02...
U6300 iPhone 8, 8+, X hydra USB logic/charging IC, 1612A1
Hydra USB logic and charging IC for iPhone 8, 8+, and X
U6600/U6650/U4100/U4150 iPad touchscreen/digitizer controller IC
Touchscreen/digitizer controller IC for iPhone 5, 5c, 5s, 6, 6+, ...
U7860/U7865/U7880 Macbook 12" Retina current limiter/OVP IC
Current limiter/OVP IC for Macbook 12" Retina
Compatible with: 2015...
U_MDM_E iPhone 8, 8+, X baseband PMIC/power management IC, Intel
Intel baseband power management IC for iPhone 8, 8+, and X
U_MDM_E iPhone 8, 8+, X baseband PMIC/power management IC, Qualcomm
Baseband power management IC for iPhone 8, 8+, and X
U_PMICRF iPhone SE, 6, 6+ baseband PMIC/power management IC
Baseband power management IC for iPhone SE, 6 and 6+